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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Environment 7- Short story "I"

It is interesting how author made each planet a character. They were all "brothers" and needed to help each other in order for their harmony to remain. This is very relevant in our life on Earth. Even if we do not always notice, each living thing of this planet depends on another thing to live, which depends on another thing to live, which depends on another... and on and on.

For example, an animal in the wilderness eats plants (and other animals) in order to survive. After eating these plants, the animals go to the bathroom and worms and other insects eat the nutrients in the animal's waste to survive. As the insect is crawling around, it produces waste too. The insect's waste provides nutrients for the plants to grow... which feed the animals... and the cycle repeats.

That is a mini chain of how dependent each living thing is on another. Similarly, we depend on nature to provide us with oxygen, food, water, and many other things. BUT- nature depends on us to keep it healthy and clean... or else it won't be able to survive and feed the animal which feeds the insect which feeds the plant which feeds the animal....

This chain is what Uranus saw. He "faithfully believes that we are all connected, and our existence has only significance if we help each other". Which is why he thought it was necessary to help planet Earth; because his and the "brothers'" harmony would not work if there was no harmony within planet Earth.

Pluto said that he admires people who will act upon what they believe in because "they are the ones who transform and make the greatest changes for the benefit of our universe."
This quote was relevant in this short story because at first, some planets did not agree with Uranus' desire to help planet Earth. Eventually, Uranus did put his efforts in to help create harmony on Earth between its inhabitants and its environment. And because Uranus put in his effort, he created positive changes within Earth and within their "brotherhood".

It's clear that the message this short story was trying to portray was that everything depends on each other. If there is not harmony within a small portion of the "big picture", there is no way there could be harmony within the "big picture". The short story also demonstrates the importance of acting upon what one believes in because Uranus believed it was important for them to help Earth. Because he did was he believed in, he obtained his goal and accomplished harmony within all of the universe.


  1. Jamie, your analytical entry is very well written. The main idea of your story can clearly relate to your topic of nature. You were very clear and focused when explaining how everything around us in the world depends on one another. The idea of how all the planets are "brothers," relates to your idea of nature and the cycles that are constantly recoccuring in everyday life. You analyzed your quote very well, and I was able to understand that main spects of your short story. My only suggestion is to explain more about the general storyline of the short story. I can tell that your short story directly relates to your topic, but I am interested to see what other aspects of the story go along with the enviornment. Overall, you did a really good job with your entry!

  2. It might be helpful to remove your feelings more from the articles. It could also work to replace the opening line with a little more background information. Also is the brother’s reference to the planets saying that they have to work together for the proper orbiting motion? Try to avoid using the word we because it makes the writing seem less formal. This paragraph has really great information but it could be presented better if set up with more information and then leading to the dependency and giving reasoning to back the statement. The information given about the survival cycle was a great example but I think that it could have been taken a step further by connecting it back to the original point. I think that the paragraphs don’t necessarily need to be broken into so many. The writing is great but it could flow better if more of it connected. I also noticed that you tend to place … in your writing often. I think that it works in some sentences but might lose its effect if used to often.
    I think that the example of the chain is very productive but shouldn’t be split up so much. Maybe work your way down the chain and then explain how it can have just as strong of an effect working in the opposite direction. I think that this is a good comparison between the planets and the chain but maybe slow down when making the connection between the two.
    “One of the planets said something that reminded me of Emerson's Civil Disobedience.” I wasn’t sure what this was supposed to mean, it could have just been a little typo but if not maybe just explain more about it. Also make sure to not use the word me in the analytical writing. There is some really good information in the last part of your writing that could be used throughout the writing. I hope this helps, and you did a really great job!
